Prepayment of tuition fees in full in advance of the period when they are due will result in a discount of 1% of the pre-paid amount. All tuition fees are for the 2024-25 academic year.

Pre-Kindergarten Pre-K3 to Pre-K4 32,000 240,300 272,300
Elementary School Kindergarten to Grade 5 32,000 273,300 305,300
Middle School Grade 6 to 8 32,000 280,950 312,950
High School Grade 9 to 12 32,000 297,500 329,500


RMB 2,800

The application fee is only valid for the school year for which the application is submitted. This fee is payable when the student’s application is submitted and is required prior to evaluation by the Admission Committee. The fee is non-refundable, and remains valid until the subsequent Schedule of Fees is released, and is therefore subject to change.

b)   ENTRY FEE    

Pre-Kindergarten and Elementary School      RMB 28,000

Middle and High School       RMB 33,000

The one-time-entry tuition fee is a mandatory fee that is used to support investments in school facilities and related costs, including new construction and renovation projects. This fee applies to new entrants only, and is due in full according to the invoice due date. This fee remains valid until the subsequent Schedule of Fees is released, and is therefore subject to change. Withdrawal of an active student and subsequent re-admission requires payment of the one-time-entry tuition fee upon each re-admission event that occurs after two consecutive years of non-enrollment.

RMB 32,000

In order to secure a space for the upcoming school year, a non-refundable Enrollment Fee will be applied to all returning students, due by April 1 of the year prior to the upcoming school year. For newly entering students, this fee is due within five working days of the invoice due date. This fee is in addition to the annual tuition fees and is therefore subject to change.


Tuition fees are used to support both the general operations of the school as well as the ongoing re-investment in the school facilities.

Annual Tuition Fees are payable in two equal installments, due on June 1 and November 1.

Prepayment of tuition fees in full in advance of the period when they are due will result in a discount of 1% of the prepaid amount (i.e. prepayment of the first and second tuition installments by April 1 will grant a 1% discount on the total tuition fees due minus the enrollment fee, prepayment of the second tuition installment before June 1 will grant a 1% discount on the second tuition installment minus the enrollment fee).

School Grade Non-refundable 
Enrollment Fee
Annual Tuition Fees Total

Pre-K3 32,000 240,300 272,300
Pre-K4 32,000 240,300 272,300
Elementary School Kindergarten 32,000 273,300 305,300
Grade 1 32,000 273,300 305,300
Grade 2 32,000 273,300 305,300
Grade 3 32,000 273,300 305,300
Grade 4 32,000 273,300 305,300
Grade 5 32,000 273,300 305,300
Middle School Grade 6 32,000 280,950 312,300
Grade 7 32,000 280,950 312,300
Grade 8 32,000 280,950 312,300
High School Grade 9 32,000 297,500 329,500
Grade 10 32,000 297,500 329,500
Grade 11 32,000 297,500 329,500
Grade 12 32,000 297,500 329,500


RMB 11,000 (per semester)

The School provides optional bus services to and from school. The Transportation Fee applies to those students who register for the regular bus service. The fee is payable on a semester basis, due June 1 and November 1.

Note: The School is not obligated to provide service if the housing location is not within existing serviced routes.  


The costs of school trips vary and depend on the event’s duration and location. Pricing and payment deadlines for trips will be published in advance of each trip.


While not a fee paid to the school, all students in Grades 6 to 12 are required to bring their own MacBook computer and external USB hard disk drive for the purpose of backups. Click here for more information on the hardware and software requirements.


The School provides a hot meal program on both campuses, which varies in price based on the food items individually purchased.


Uniforms are required for all students in Grades 6 to 10 who take Physical Education (PE) class. PE uniforms are available for purchase at the School’s Eagle Shop, at prices set by the Eagle Shop. The set includes a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.


External exam fees such as those for the AP or IB programs are covered by students, and will be separately invoiced.

Please note that the Application Fee and Enrollment Fee are not refundable. Refunds for tuition payments will be made only as follows:


  • If a written notification of withdrawal is received on or before August 1, 100% of the tuition fees paid to date will be refunded.
  • If a written notification of withdrawal is received after August 1, but before the first day of the first Semester, 100% of the tuition fees paid to date will be refunded, minus 10% of the annual tuition fees.
  • If a written notification of withdrawal is received on or before December 1, 100% of the tuition fees paid to date will be refunded, minus the fees paid for the first Semester.
  • If a written notification of withdrawal is received after December 1, but before the first day of the second Semester, 100% of the tuition fees paid to date will be refunded, minus fees paid for the first Semester and minus 10% of the annual tuition fees.

For further clarity, if a student is not officially withdrawn in writing prior to the first day of a semester, there will be no refund of the installment payment.


The one-time-entry tuition fee is refunded in full only if the student does not attend school and written notification of withdrawal is received before the first day the student is scheduled to attend school. Attendance by the student, or failure to provide written notification of withdrawal, will forfeit any refund of this fee.


Upon written notification of transportation cancellation, transportation fees paid for a semester will be refunded on a pro-rated basis for each school day that the student is not registered with bus service at SAS, minus a RMB 340 handling charge.


Any outstanding obligations of the student will be deducted from any refund(s). This includes athletic fees and charges for unreturned or damaged textbooks, library books, locker keys, etc.

Payment must be made by one of the following methods, annotated with the student name and student ID number:

  • By RMB or USD wire transfer to the school’s bank account
  • By RMB or USD debit or credit card payment, direct to the school’s bank account
  • By RMB cash deposit direct to the school’s bank account

Any payment of less than RMB 5,000 or equivalent may also be paid in RMB cash at the Finance Office. The school bank account to be used for wire transfers or cash deposits shall be as noted on the billing invoice. All bank charges (wire transfer charges, credit card processing fees, etc) are the responsibility of the payer.

All Fees and Charges are set and payable in RMB, but may also be paid in USD (wire transfer only) at the exchange rate in force at the time of payment, as set by the Finance Department on a monthly basis, referenced to the People’s Bank of China’s published exchange rate and average Chinese commercial bank rates.

Click here to see full details and download the school information and policies for tuition, fees, payments and refunds. SAS reserves the right to change fees without prior notice.